CSMI transaction excluded from SMF log
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CSMI transaction excluded from SMF log


Article ID: 235885


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SYSVIEW Performance Management


Trying to exclude CSMI transactions from the SMF records.

Adding CSMI transaction to the CTRANOPT with NOSMF but still seeing CSMI transactions in the SMF log.




The SUPPRESS parameter can be set in the CTRANOPT member of the CNM4BPRM library for  the CSMI transaction:

According to CTRANOPT HELP under SYSVIEW:

A single set of definitions is used for all monitored CICS regions and transactions on a system.
 The following options can be set:
    * Specify transactions that are required to be active
    * Exception processing
    * Transaction collection level - DETAIL or SUMMARY
    * Logging of the detailed transaction record to the
      transaction log stream
    * Logging of the detailed transaction record to SMF
    * Sending the detailed transaction record to the
      MVS dynamic exit: GSVX.CICSTRAN
    * Sending monitored transaction information to
      CA Cross-Enterprise APM
    * Suppress CICS SMF 110 subtype 1 records
    * Specify transaction elapsed time monitoring method
    * Define long running transactions

So the SUPPRESS parameter only affects SMF 110 performance records (subtype 1).