Internal error Txpi 236 (getaddrinfo() failed) in XCOM transfer
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Internal error Txpi 236 (getaddrinfo() failed) in XCOM transfer


Article ID: 235752


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XCOM Data Transport


Xcom transfer failed with internal error message "Txpi  236: CheckProtocol: call getaddrinfo() failed: The name does not resolve for the supplied parameters."

Internal XCOM "Txpi nnn" messages have a different presentation depending on the platform where XCOM runs. In this case, the message arose in an AS/400 box so the "external" message ID was XCM0899 and the full message was:

*NONE      Command                      07/02/22  11:41:23,549202  QCADRV       QSYS        041C     XCOMMSG3    XCOMR11     006E
                                     Message . . . . :     4500 - SNDPGMMSG MSGID(XCM0899) MSGF(XCOMMSGF)
                                       MSGDTA('XCOMR     SEND ALLOCATE            ALLOCATE                0TCP/IP
                                       call successf    4  236    1Txpi  236: CheckProtocol: call getaddrinfo()
                                       failed: The name does not resolve for the supplied parameters..')
                                       TOPGMQ('*PRV') TOMSGQ(*TOPGMQ) MSGTYPE('*INFO')

XCM0899    Information             00   07/02/22  11:41:23,549293  XCOMMSG3     XCOMR11     006E     XCOMTIOEH   XCOMR11     00CA
                                     Message . . . . :   Fatal TCP/IP communications error occurred in program
                                       XCOMR during state SEND ALLOCATE. Check second level text for more
                                     The error occurred while attempting to perform function ALLOCATE. Return code
                                       information is: Primary return code              0 TCP/IP call successf
                                       Secondary return code            4. TCP/IP primary return code     236.
                                       TCP/IP secondary return code     1. TCP/IP message Txpi  236: CheckProtocol:
                                       call getaddrinfo() failed: The name does not resolve for the supplied
                                       parameters... If this is a socket error the error description is:


XCOM™ Data Transport® for AS/400 i5/OS


  • XCOM is at the initial stages of the transfer, while trying to initiate a TCP/IP connection to the partner.
  • During this processing, XCOM has called the getaddrinfo() function from TCP/IP, which returns the IP address associated to the IP name specified in the transfer parameters.
  • The getaddrinfo function could not resolve the provided IP name to an address.


  1. This may be a parameter error. Ensure that the remote IP name specified in the transfer parameters is correct
  2. It might help to try to connect to the remote IP name via other programs (telnet, FTP and so on). All programs should experience the same problem (unable to resolve the remote host name) which might make it easier to find a solution
  3. If the TCP/IP stack is configured to use a "hosts" file (an internal list of IP names with their corresponding IP addresses), ensure that the specified IP name is defined in the "hosts" file.
  4. If the TCP/IP stack is configured to use an external DNS (Domain Name Server) ensure that it addresses the correct server and that the name is properly registered.

NOTE: If the IP address of the remote host is known, it's still possible to run the transfer specifying the IP address of the remote host instead of its IP name.