VIP ADFS Integration fails login with Invalid Security Code
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VIP ADFS Integration fails login with Invalid Security Code


Article ID: 235744


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VIP Service


When trying to log into an ADFS Application using Symantec VIP MFA, the following message is displayed after entering the 6 digit security code.

"Authentication failed due to invalid security code or server error. If there are many unsuccessful login attempts, your account will be locked."


VIP Certificate expired.


  • Identify each ADFS server in the farm using the Powershell "Get-AdfsFarmInformation" command. 
  • Create a new VIP Certificate from VIP Manager and download it onto each ADFS server in the farm where the VIP plugin is installed. Save the certificate in the same folder as the VIP ADFS plugin installation. (Symantec recommends using naming logic to identify the certificate when the cert expiration emails are sent to the VIP admin)
  • Launch the "VIP Integration Settings" to select the new VIP certificate. Enter the VIP Certificate Private Key passphrase.
  • Save the settings and restart "Active Directory Federation Services"