Change Clarity default time zone
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Change Clarity default time zone


Article ID: 235533


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Clarity PPM SaaS


Is it technically feasible and recommended to change the default time zone in the file \Clarity\config\i18n.xml. If yes, what are the possible effects in a Clarity production system with regard to scheduled jobs, processes, tasks as well as the database and all other time dependent components?

The background is the following request from our customer: "... When configuring a new resource (person) in PPM we have to set his timezone, Since we are all in GTM (London, Lisbon) we have to set it to this value everytime we create a new resource. Is there any chance this field can be set to a default value in the combo and that default would be GTM (London, Lisbon). Right now when we create a new resource the value that appears by default is GMT-6 : Central Time (US & Canada) ..."



Clarity 15.9.2


The default timezone setting US timezone and is picked up via the $Clarity_Home\config\i18n.xml for many of the features in clarity system. Customising the file 18n.xml file is generally a practise considered in the field while importing resources via xog/webservices. From the support side we would not be able to recommend this customisation as this is not part of the default product feature. The consistency of this direct customisation remains a question and may not be inline to all the get calls in the system and can get reset back to the default on the DB. As always we recommend testing such customisations on a lower environment before trying it on Production. The safe approach would be to also ensure the timezone values are updated in the DB (cmn_sec_users). 

We have had customers raise this as a product feature via enhancement ideation process, and partners can raise this via their product management contact for or have the customer join the PM office hours to formally represent the need for this feature.