RETIX record count on  DB01322I message not increasing
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RETIX record count on  DB01322I message not increasing


Article ID: 235510


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Running DBUTLTY RETIX, the record count on the DB01322I message did not increase for 30  minutes, Eventually it ended without errors.

RETIX    DBID=nnn,AREA=aaa,OPTIMIZE=YES,SORT=99999999999,

17.19.56 JOB14306  DB01322I - RETIX   BASE nnn AREA aaa LOADING KEY 258,886,026 OF 1,383,587,912
17.21.56 JOB14306  DB01322I - RETIX   BASE nnn AREA aaa LOADING KEY 346,004,026 OF 1,383,587,912
17.23.56 JOB14306  DB01322I - RETIX   BASE nnn AREA aaa LOADING KEY 346,004,026 OF 1,383,587,912
17.25.56 JOB14306  DB01322I - RETIX   BASE nnn AREA aaa LOADING KEY 346,004,026 OF 1,383,587,912
17.27.56 JOB14306  DB01322I - RETIX   BASE nnn AREA aaa LOADING KEY 346,004,026 OF 1,383,587,912

The DBID has 2 areas but the RETIX is only for one area in the DBID. A table in area  aaa has a shared key with another table in the other area bbb.



Release : 15.1

Component : DATACOM/DB


This is not a bug. This is caused by the processing taking place when using shared keys.
Here are the steps taken by RETIX when shared keys are present:

  • The RETIX first retrieves all hared key values from table aaa (but not from bbb).
  • These are then given to the SORT to be sorted (the table bbb keys are not given to the SORT).
  • These sorted values are then merged into the existing section for the key id in the index. 
  • If the key values for table bbb are lower than the ones for table aaa then we have to read all the entries for the keys from table bbb before the first entry for table aaa can be merged in. 

In this case there were more than 400 million records in table bbb. It is the reading of these 400 million index entries that caused the 30 minute pause.