What table stores job and prompt information for Rapid Automation Jobs?
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What table stores job and prompt information for Rapid Automation Jobs?


Article ID: 235467


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CA Automic Applications Manager (AM)


I want to be able create a custom sql report that will pull Rapid Automation(RA) Job prompts and information.

What tables hold the data for RA Job and prompt information such as RA Banner or RA FTP Jobs?


Applications Manager 9.x


RA Job information is stored in an xml string in the following tables:

For an RA Job, the data is stored in Table AW_MODULE_XML under column AW_JOB_XML_CLOB
The AW_JOB_SEQ is the primary key to the SO_JOB_SEQ of the SO_JOB_TABLE (table where Job and process flow header is stored)

For an RA component, the data is stored in Table AW_CHAIN_DETAIL_XML under column AW_COMP_XML_CLOB
The AW_DET_SEQ is the primary key to the SO_DET_SEQ of the SO_CHAIN DETAIL (table where components are stored)