ROLLOVERSIZE Attribute for the XCOM Gateway Log structure
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ROLLOVERSIZE Attribute for the XCOM Gateway Log structure


Article ID: 235453


Updated On:


XCOM - SUPPORT XCOM Data Transport


A new attribute for the XCOM Gateway log structure has been introduced when fix LU04881 is applied to XCOM Gateway for Windows.


Release: XCOM Data Transport Gateway
Component: XCGWIN


The Log structure now has a new ROLLOVERSIZE attribute that lets you control when the log file rolls up. Previously, the log files were rolled up on a daily basis. Now, you can specify when the log file rolls up based on its size. 

Please refer to the XCOM Gateway manual for details.

Additional Information

Fix LU04881 for XCOM Gateway addresses the LOG4J vulnerabilities. Please refer to Broadcom Security Advisory for more details of various vulnerabilities reported on various versions of LOG4J libraries.

Broadcom Mainframe Software Security Advisory for Log4j

XCOM Data Transport Gateway for Windows Log4j 1.2.x Vulnerability CVE-2021-4104

COM Data Transport - Windows and XCOM Data Transport - Linux, UNIX Log4j 1.2.x Vulnerability CVE-2021-4104