CA1 - TMSCLEAN ending with RC=04 and tapes not scratched
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CA1 - TMSCLEAN ending with RC=04 and tapes not scratched


Article ID: 235443


Updated On:


CA 1 Flexible Storage


TMSCLEAN ended  with RC=04 with the message:
** WARNING VOLSER=xxxxxx was not scratched => VOLSER IS NOT EXPIRED

Despite the uncataloged files on the volume, the FLAG4 of the VOLSER equal to 00 and the SCRCAT parameter from the TMOOPT00 member form the CTAPOPTN library of CA1 equal to YES, the volumes are not scratched.


Release : 14.0

Component : CA 1 Tape Management


To scratch these volumes, the FLAG2 should be updated to 01 and then the volumes could be scratched through the CA1 ISPF panels or by the next CA1 daily batch 


apply the LT03307 test apar provided by CA Broadcom support and then execute the CA1 daily batch.

Please contact CA Broadcom support by opening a CA1's ticket to obtain the test apar.