Use of third party certificate in TDM portal not working
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Use of third party certificate in TDM portal not working


Article ID: 235439


Updated On:


CA Test Data Manager (Data Finder / Grid Tools)


Following the instructions as the below documentation to install replace self signed certificate with third party certificate (sectigo).

After the completion of steps, portal UI is not coming up. In the startup.log, can see below exception.


SEVERE: Failed to initialize component [Connector[HTTP/1.1-8443]]
FINEST|9948/0|22-02-14 17:21:32|org.apache.catalina.LifecycleException: Protocol handler initialization failed

Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Alias name [TestDataManager] does not identify a key entry

Caused by: Alias name [TestDataManager] does not identify a key entry


Release : 4.9

Component : TDM Web Portal


This issue happens when the keystore being used doesn't include the key-value pair created for TDM Server and just holds the public key certificates of server and other intermediate and root CAs.


The issue was resolved by following below steps.

- Regenerated the private key(.pem) and certificate signing request(CSR). Make that the option used here asks for or includes the password for the private key.

- Sent the CSR for singing and got the TDM server certificate(.cer) than contains the complete chain of server, intermediate and root CA public keys.

- Created a keypair(.pfx) file by importing the private key(.pem) into the server certificate(.cer).

openssl pkcs12 -inkey privateKey.pem -in serverCertChain.cer -export -out keypair.pfx

- Created a keystore(.jks) and imported the keypair(.pfx) and gave an alias to the key.

- Updated TDM Portal application properties file to reflect the correct/latest keystore file, password and alias.