Data is not appearing for Rally lookup values when the workspace does not have any milestones.
Exception while fetching and persisting the Rally lookup data to Clarity system
Now create the object mapping (I.E. Project to Initiative) under the above-created integration mapping.
Go to the lookup mapping tab.
Click on New mapping
Create the mappings with the below:
Rally States
Any other custom lookup
Go to the sub-tabs Clarity to Rally and Rally to Clarity for the above mappings
Issue 1:
Expected Results: The data should appear.
Actual Results: The Rally lookup data does not appear.
Go to any project instance in Clarity.
Associate the integration mapping.
Click on the Rally OOTB lookup attribute pull-downs.
Issue 2:
Expected Results: The data should appear.
Actual Results: The data does not appear.
Release: Clarity 16.0.1
This issue is fixed in 16.0.2
Now the above lookup data under lookup mapping and also the OOTB lookup attribute data of the project instance will appear properly.