MCS CDM enhanced templates can not be selected/ wrong CDM template version showing in the OC
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MCS CDM enhanced templates can not be selected/ wrong CDM template version showing in the OC


Article ID: 235356


Updated On:


DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


MCS CDM templates show disabled and can't be selected even when there is no profile configured.
Wrong CDM template version showing in the OC.


Release : 20.3, 20.4



The process below can be followed for any probe templates, just make sure to replace the CDM with the probe name.

Please do the following to delete all CDM profiles and templates:

1- Delete all the cdm templates from the below location from the primary hub
C:\Program Files (x86)\Nimsoft\probes\service\mon_config_service\migrators\probes\cdm

2- Run the below queries from the Database and make sure they all run successfully.

delete from SSRV2PackageTemplate where template in (select templateid from ssrv2template where probe = 'cdm');

delete from ssrv2container where template in (select templateid from ssrv2template where probe = 'cdm');

delete from ssrv2removal where template in (select templateid from ssrv2template where probe = 'cdm');

delete from ssrv2configvalue where field in (select id from ssrv2field where template in (select templateid from ssrv2template where probe = 'cdm'));

delete from ssrv2field where template in (select templateid from ssrv2template where probe = 'cdm');

delete from ssrv2profile where template in (select templateid from ssrv2template where probe = 'cdm');

delete from ssrv2template where templateid in (select templateid from ssrv2template where probe = 'cdm');

delete from SSRV2ProbeTemplatesPackage where probe_name = 'cdm';

delete from SSRV2ProbeTemplateUpgrade where probe_name='cdm';

3- Verify all CDM templates have been deleted

Select * from ssrv2template where probe = 'cdm'

4- Deploy the latest CDM template to the mon_config_service probe on the Primary hub 
5- Login to the Operator Console and verify the CDM templates have the correct version