This KB article provide steps to update the JDK version used by Tomcat in Advanced Authentication for a latest compatible JDK version.
Release : 9.1 SP4
Component :AuthMinder ( Arcot WebFort)
Strong Authentication
Risk Authentication
Please make sure to go through the Platform support matrix to know the supported versions for Java, Advanced Authentication only need Java run time environment( JRE) and JDK is not needed but that will work as well.
For Tomcat We support versions 8.0.x, 8.5.x, 9.0 and Java supported ones are Oracle 7.x, 8.x, and 11, AdoptOpenJDK 8 and 11. The latest on these supported version should be fine. Please refer the below link.
Platform Support Matrix for Advanced Authentication
Once you upgrade the Java version to supported series, you need to make sure Tomcat is picking up that.
Once that is done, you can refer this document link to copy some files which are needed for Database connectivity. Detailed instructions are listed in this.