Error after import Management Module 'Error Fetching details for'
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Error after import Management Module 'Error Fetching details for'


Article ID: 235139


Updated On: 02-21-2022


CA Application Performance Management (APM / Wily / Introscope)


Imported old Management Modules jar which contains alerts with name ":" , Management Modules imported successfully from ATC UI, but observed below error when trying to access alerts. 

The existing functionality is, UI do not allow to create alert with name ":", but which is allowed from workstation & if we import any old 10.7 jars.



Release : 21.3

Component :


This is a known issue and a hotfix is being created to fix this problem.

WorkAround: Instead of modifying "ManagementModule.xml" from MM jar, you can try the below steps.

  • Import original MM jar from ATC UI
  • Download workstation from ATC UI-> Settings -> Downloads
  • Login to workstation -> New Management Module -> Super Domain-> Management Module -> <<above imported MM>> -> Alerts -> Remove ";" in Name field & click on apply