When performing a ustat on the WCC server after upgrading it to R12 we see the following issue regarding services:
CA Services Status Report
Component Name Pid Status
------------------------------------ ------- --------------
CA-CCI Server - not active
CA-CCI Remote Server - not active
CA-CCI Clean Up - not active
CA-CCI Legacy Proxy - not active
WAAE Agent (WA_AGENT) - not active
ls: cannot access /opt/CA/WorkloadCC: No such file or directory
CA-wcc-services Server - not active
/etc/init.d/CA-wcc: line 91: cd: /opt/CA/WorkloadCC/tomcat/bin: No such file or directory
/etc/init.d/CA-wcc: line 114: /opt/CA/WorkloadCC/tomcat/bin/CA-wcc: No such file or directory
CA-wcc Server - not active
CA-WV Status Server - not active
Release : 12.0
Two extra files, cawcc.sh and cawcc.csh, were left in place from the WCC 11.4.x install and this caused issues with ustat.
Remove the unneeded files.
In a future release WCC they will be removed automatically during the upgrade to avoid the issue.
When left in place they reference the old WCC location, confusing the output.