Unable to open DLP web console after the upgrade from 15.1 to 15.8
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Unable to open DLP web console after the upgrade from 15.1 to 15.8


Article ID: 235031


Updated On:


Data Loss Prevention Enterprise Suite


Unable to login to the DLP web Console after upgrade.

Used the reinstallationResourcesUtility to create the backup while installing the application.


Upgraded build 15.8 MP1

Component : Default-Sym


Received an error message :-

Error message : GlobalDialog?type=NOT_FOUND


The version of Oracle doesn't affect the crypto keys.
Based on the information please follow the below steps.

1. On pre-prod server, Stop all DLP services
2. On pre-prod server, move the CryptoMasterKey.properties and EncryptedPropertiesFilesEncryptionKey.key files out of the 15.8 config folder and place in a backup folder
3. On prod server, make a copy of the same two files from the 15.1 config folder
4. On pre-prod server, place the copy of the two files from prod and put in the 15.8 config folder
5. On pre-prod server, run the 15.8 DBPasswordChanger.exe utility (see admin guide)
6. On pre-prod server, start just the Symantec DLP Notifier and Manager services
7. On pre-prod server, open Enforce Console and delete detection servers
8. On pre-prod server, start remaining Symantec DLP services