Newly created Indexed Document Profile (IDM) gets stuck on "Creating Index Version 1" status
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Newly created Indexed Document Profile (IDM) gets stuck on "Creating Index Version 1" status


Article ID: 235014


Updated On:


Data Loss Prevention Enforce


You create a new IDM profile in the Enforce console by navigating to Manage > Data Profile > Add Document Profile(Upload Document Archive to Server now) > Choose the document > Put a check against Submit Indexing Job on Save > Click on Save. You get a red banner stating: 

"One or more data profiles are already being indexed. Wait for the indexing to complete"

If you attempt to create a new profile same issue is encountered.



DLP version: 15.x


Profile was already indexed but Enforce console was not reflecting the change.

Enforce localhost logs show that the indexing is already completed for the document that was uploaded (SOA is the name of the profile here):

28 Jan 2022 11:48:30,207- Thread: 20140 INFO [com.vontu.manager] Document source saved. The SOA document source was saved by Administrator.
28 Jan 2022 11:48:30,490- Thread: 105 INFO [com.vontu.profiles.manager.InfoSourceIndexJob] Indexing InfoSource Job begin executing
28 Jan 2022 11:48:30,493- Thread: 105 INFO [com.vontu.profiles.manager.document.DocumentSourceIndexCreator] Use Binary Matching For Legacy IDM is set to false
28 Jan 2022 11:48:30,495- Thread: 105 INFO [com.vontu.profiles.manager.document.DocumentSourceIndexCreator] (IDM_INDEXER.1) Starting index for IDM Profile [61:1]-[SOA]
28 Jan 2022 11:48:30,672- Thread: 20140 INFO [com.vontu.manager] [DOCUMENT_SOURCE_EDIT] user: Administrator; 
28 Jan 2022 11:48:30,715- Thread: 24469 INFO [com.vontu.directorycrawler.AbstractFileSystemCrawler] Checkpoint = , Skip Next = false
28 Jan 2022 11:48:30,716- Thread: 24469 INFO [com.vontu.directorycrawler.filter.FileSystemCrawlerFilter] No excluded file list directory: C:\Program Files\Symantec\DataLossPrevention\EnforceServer\15.7\Protect\bin\..\config\excludeFiles
28 Jan 2022 11:49:00,639- Thread: 22715 INFO [com.vontu.manager.admin.sdp.action.LoadPartialMatchingProfileStatsMapAction] 


Restarting the Enforce services in the correct order as outlined in the below KB article should resolve the issue.