Jobrac batch job has run past it's "normal" max run time.
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Jobrac batch job has run past it's "normal" max run time.


Article ID: 235007


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I'm looking to see if Jobtrac has the functionality to alert the Operator when a batch job has run past it's "normal" max run time. I had a scenario with a customer's job that ran 3-4 hours and abended. This job should have only ran for one hour. This job had resource contention with other jobs. My customer is expecting to see some sort of notification from Jobtrac to alert the operator so the operator can take action if the job sits idle.  


Release : 11.0

Component :


There is not a feature or facility in Jobtrac that can be used to monitor jobs and issue an alert when jobs are running longer than expected.

You may use Critical Path Monitor (CPM) for this type of alert. CPM monitors the performance of groups of batch jobs (flows) against user-defined deadlines.

One of CPM Status value is 'Running Long' which indicates the job is taking longer than normal to complete.

The CPM option JobLongPercent controls how much longer than normal the job must execute before this status occurs.

You may already have Critical Path Monitor (CPM) installed and being used for your other Broadcom Mainframe products.



Additional Information

Critical Path Monitor User Guide