Enabling a metric for Green Highway processing via the MTCAC (Appliance Controller) that is defaulted out of the box to no Green Highway processing
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Enabling a metric for Green Highway processing via the MTCAC (Appliance Controller) that is defaulted out of the box to no Green Highway processing


Article ID: 235004


Updated On:


Mainframe Operational Intelligence


Customer reported that specific metrics in MOI were not displaying as Green Highways. 

The Customer was informed that not all metrics are enabled for Green Highway processing by default. 

The steps contained in the resolution section of this Knowledge Document explains how the Green Highway processing can be turned on if desired by the Customer.  



Mainframe Operational Intelligence

MOI 2.0.06 and later releases


If the customer wants to enable a metric for Green Highway processing, they can do so via the MTCAC UI (Appliance Controller) as shown in the two examples below: 


For non-voluminous metrics like SYSVIEW, NETMASTER, etc. , follow these steps for metric example STGRUSE%:

  • Login to MTCAC
  • Navigate to Configuration -> Metrics
  • Go to path: z/OS System -> Memory -> STGRUSE%
  • Click on STGRUSE%, then click INCLUDE PATH and then PROCESS.
  • After it is processed and data starts flowing, the Customer will start seeing the metric as Green Highways versus just data points


For voluminous metrics like SMF 30, SMF 116 DB2 101 etc. record metrics which default to no Green Highway out of the box, follow these steps for metric example DB2GPGRX:

  • Login to MTCAC
  • Navigate to Configuration -> Metrics
  • Click on the DB2GPGRX metric, then click the ENABLE GREEN HIGHWAY check box, then  INCLUDE PATH and then PROCESS.     Note:  The ENABLE GREEN HIGHWAY check box is only displayed for the voluminous metrics.                  


  • After it is processed and data starts flowing, the Customer will start seeing the metric as Green Highways versus just data points