VIP Enterprise Gateway error: Upgrade Failed, Could not proceed with the upgrade.
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VIP Enterprise Gateway error: Upgrade Failed, Could not proceed with the upgrade.


Article ID: 234990


Updated On: 10-23-2023


VIP Service


Upgrade of VIP Enterprise Upgrade fails with error: Upgrade Failed. Could not proceed with the upgrade: Creating the backup of VIP Enterprise Gateway failed.


Existing files cannot be deleted or overwritten by the upgrade process


  • Navigate to the VIP Enterprise Gateway installation directory (example: \Program Files (x86)\Symantec)
  • Remove the .bak file that contains the target upgrade version. (For example: If upgrading to version 9.10.0, delete VIP_Enterprise_Gateway9.10.0.bak). Sample backup files:
  • Restart the VIP Enterprise Gateway server and try again. 
  • If it still fails, review the update.log file located in the <install_dir>\VIP_Enterprise_Gateway\logs folder for errors. 
  • See also: Troubleshoot VIP Enterprise Gateway LiveUpdate and manual upgrade issues