Planning to order the OPSMVS R14 to upgrade from R13.5. With R13.5, we have the following FMID's installed:
Release : 14.0
Component : OPS/MVS
The corresponding OPS 14.0 FMIDs are:
CCLXE00 /*CA OPS/MVS Base */
CCLXE01 /*CA OPS/MVS Web Components */
CCLXE03 /*CA OPS/MVS CICS Operations Facility */
The hardware services component (OPSBCPII) that provides the ADDRESS HWS host environment is part of the OPS base FMID CCLXE00.
Note: The CCLXE01 and CCLXE03 FMIDs come down in the same pax file as the CCLXE00. If you are not planning to install all of the FMIDs, then the ones not being installed should be commented out in the job hlq.**.SAMPJCL(CLX20RCB).