Counters tables no increasing after purge
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Counters tables no increasing after purge


Article ID: 234950


Updated On:


CA API Gateway


Counters table in dev is not adding any new rows, why?

In dev did you get the “Apply Throughput Quota”  assertions adding rows to counters table ?


Release : 10.0

Component :


How the counters table is populated 

ONLY the “Apply Throughput Quota” assertion stores request in counters table

The Apply Throughput Quota Assertion allows you to limit the number of service requests permitted within a predetermined time period.

This counter is global to the Gateway and stored in the SSG db table counters, different services can contain Apply Throughput Quota assertions that use the same counter

In the example I only allow 2000 transactions a day once reached the assertions will log and fail for the remainder of the day.  Query on the counters table showing my CLientIP and day limit reached 


mysql> SELECT from_unixtime(last_update/1000), countername, cnt_day FROM ssg.counters ORDER BY from_unixtime(last_update/1000) ASC;


| from_unixtime(last_update/1000) | countername                           | cnt_day |


| 2022-02-09 15:36:17.9010        | PRESET(eeb3791fca0a74b9)<Client IP>  |    2000 |


1 row in set (0.00 sec)