SDM – JIRA integration
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SDM – JIRA integration


Article ID: 234918


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CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager CA Service Desk Manager


Integration of CA SDM and Jira Agile Management Tools

This article describes the integration of CA Service Desk Manager (CA SDM) with Jira Agile Management/Jira Service Desk to facilitate the following:
● Integration of projects and entities along with comments.
● Management of end-to-end traceability for all data synchronized between CA SDM and Jira (Jira Agile Management tools and Jira Service Desk).


Release : 17.3



Review the following prerequisites before proceeding with the installation and integration of CA Service Desk Manager and JIRA Agile Management:
1. CA Service Desk Manager 17.3 RU11
2. Jira Agile Management/JIRA Service Desk (on Premise/Cloud based)
3. Windows Server 2016 with the following software installed:
a. Apache Tomcat Server (apache-tomcat-8.5.53).
b. Apache active MQ server (apache-activemq-5.16.1).

Installation and Integration – SDM and Jira
Note: Ensure to review and complete the prerequisites before you start the deployment process.

Install CA SDM – Jira Patch

The recommendation is that you deploy the patch on your test environment and later, carry out the installation procedures on your production environment.
Apply the patch T5UG484.CAZ on top of 17.3 RU11 and perform the post-installation steps mentioned in the Testfix documentation.

Install the Webhook Component

Perform the following steps:
1. Navigate to where you have installed the Tomcat Server and extract and locate the webhook.war file.
2. Copy webhook.war to the Tomcat webapps folder: For example: C:\apache-tomcat-8.5.53\apache-tomcat-8.5.53\webapps
3. Restart Tomcat Services.
After restarting the Tomcat services, you can see the META-INF and WEB-INF folders in the webhook directory.
4. Navigate to the WEB-INF/Classes folder and update the following values in the file. For example, C:\apache-tomcat-8.5.53\apache-tomcat-8.5.53\webapps\webhook\WEB-INF\classes:
i. <activeMQserver>:<TCP-Port>
iii. webhook.allowed.remoteHosts= JIRA_SERVER_IP Address
Note: JIRA_SERVER_IP will have specific IP addresses to allow requests from. In case, if you do not intend to whitelist the IPs, then you can ignore this parameter and allow requests from any IP address.
5. Restart the Tomcat server services from apache-tomcat-8.5.53\apache-tomcat-8.5.53\bin\.
6. Ensure that the TOMCAT URL is up and running. For example : http://TOMCAT_Host_NAME:TOMCAT_PORT_NUMBER/webhook/webhook/jam-sdm/updateTicket


Create a New Webhook Listener in Jira

Perform the following steps after successful installation of Jira components:
1. Log in to Jira.
2. Navigate to Settings, System, Webhook (left-hand pane), Create a Webhook.
Create a new Webhook listener for issues that are created and updated.
3. Provide the following required field information:
a. Name: Specify the webhook name.
b. Status: Enabled/Disabled
c. URL: Provide the webhook Url: http://TOMCAT_Host_NAME:TOMCAT_PORT_NUMBER/webhook/webhook/jam-sdm/updateTicket
d. Complete the rest of the field information shown on this page as required.

Install the Adapters Component

Perform the following steps to install the component. This component converts the Jira attribute to SDM and vice versa to map to the corresponding attributes of Jira and SDM.
1. Unzip to extract the Adapters folder in a location of your choice.
2. Update the Configuration files. For example: C:\adapters\config
a. Provide the ActiveMQ Server details in this file
ii. Activemq.queue.names=jam-sdm,sdm-jam,jsd-sdm,sdm-jsd Jam refers to the Jira Agile Management Tools. jsd here refers to the Jira Service Desk
b. integrationmapping.yml: Contains information about the location of the SDM Server and user credentials.
i. SDM Server Details
a. use Configuration: Set this value to “true”
b. sdmRestUrl: Enter the SDM Web Interface URL: http://SDM_SERVER:REST_PORT /caisd-rest
c. sdmUserName: Provide the SDM User name. For example: “CASM_Integration_User”
d. sdmpassword: Provide an encrypted password. For example: ”SDM_USER_PASSWORD”
For the encrypted passwords, run the “encrypt_pwd.bat” in the C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\Service Desk Manager\bin
Use the command: encrypt_pwd.bat -sdme <password>
e. sdmDefaultuuid: Provide the SDM Default Contact UUID.
f. sdmattmntRepositoryId: Provide the SDM Default Attachment Repository ID through which the JIRA attachments are to be uploaded.
ii. Global Mappings: Update the values in this file incase if you are changing the default values. If no mappings are provided by user, integration services uses the Global Mappings to create the tickets from Jira to SDM and SDM to Jira
iii. Jira Details:
a. jiraProducts
a. code: Jira product code.
b. name: Jira product name.
b. jiraRestUrl: Enter the Jira REST API Base URL: http://JIRA_HOST:REST_PORT/rest/api/2
c. jiraUserName: Provide the Jira REST API User name.
d. jiraPassword: Provide an encrypted password.
For the encrypted passwords, run the “encrypt_pwd.bat” in the C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\Service Desk Manager\bin
Use the command: encrypt_pwd.bat -sdme <password>
e. jiraDefaultName: Jira default username.
f. projects: JIRA Projects.
a. key: Provide Jira project key.
b. updateWebhookAction: updateTicket.
iv. Mappings: Mappings for the JIRA and SDM attributes.
Example mapping:
# JIRA Bug <=> SDM Incident
- jiraObjectName : issue
jiraObjectTypeName : Bug
jiraObjectTypeId : 10004
sdmObjectName : in
- name: "reporter:customer"
jira-type: "CLU"
sdm-type : "CLU"
- name: "creator:requested_by"
jira-type: "CLU"
sdm-type : "CLU"
flow: "JIRA-SDM"
- name: ""
jira-type: "ARRAY_OBJS"
values: ["10003:Email", "10002:Hardware", "10004:Printer", "10001:Software" ]
defaultvalue: "10005:Applications"
- name: ""
values: ["1:OP", "3:WIP", "5:RE"]
defaultvalue: "1:OP"
- name: ""
values: ["5:1", "4:2","2:4", "1:5"]
defaultvalue: "3:3"
- name: "customfield_10107:zcustomSDM"
- name: "customfield_10108.value:zviptkt.@REL_ATTR"
values: ["Yes:1", "No:0"]
defaultvalue: "No:0"
c. beans.xml Provide values in the beans.xml file to enable both Jira Agile Management and Jira Service Desk integration. Note: Out-of-the-Box only Jira Agile Management is configured. Uncomment the following lines in the bean.xml file to support both Jira Agile Management and Jira Service Desk configuration.
-<entry key="jsd-sdm">
<ref bean="JSDtoSDM"/>
-<entry key="sdm-jsd">
<ref bean="SDMtoJSD"/>
3. Navigate to adapters-zip\adapters and run the following commands to start the batch file:
a. setenv.bat
b. startup.bat
This starts the SDM-Jira adapter and it starts listening to the ActiveMQ queue server.

Configure CA Service Desk Manager

Perform the following steps after the successful deployment of CA Service Desk Manager 17.3 RU 11 with the T5UG484.CAZ patch in your environment:

Create a new Webhook Listener in CA SDM

1. Log in to CA SDM Classic Interface.
2. Navigate to Administration, System, Webhooks, Endpoints to create a new Webhook. Complete the field information:
a. Symbol: Mandatory field information.
b. Code: Mandatory field information.
c. Endpoint URL: Provide the webhook URL details
Example: http://TOMCAT_SERVER:TOMCAT_PORT/webhook/webhook/sdm-jam/updateTicket
d. Complete the rest of the field information on this page as required.
3. Click Save.

Create a Notification

To listen to changes in Change Orders, create a notification under webhook. _______________________

1. Log in to CA SDM Classic Interface.
2. Navigate to Administration, System, Webhook, Notifications, Create New to create a notification.
3. Complete the following information:
a. Symbol:
b. Code:
c. Object Type: Select Request/Incidents/Problems or Change Orders.
d. Payload Body: Enter * to send the entire payload.
e. Status:
f. Complete rest of the field information on this page as required.
4. Click Save.
5. Map a Notification with an existing Webhook Endpoint, select Webhook Endpoints, Update Webhook Endpoints.
a. The Endpoints Search page is displayed.
i. Provide the Endpoint Details and click Search.
b. Select the Endpoint to which the new notification is to be mapped and move it to the adjacent box. Click OK.
c. Click Save. This Notification is successfully updated and mapped to the selected Endpoint.
d. To specify Notification Rules, select Triggers from the Notification Detail page.
i. Select Update Notification Rules.
ii. The Notification Rules Search page is displayed.
a. Provide the required details about the Notification Rule that needs to be mapped to a notification.
b. Click Search.
c. The Notification Rules – Update page displays the Out-of-the-box Notifications.
For example,
For the Default Notification rule for the creation of ticket, select:
For example, select Default Initial Notification Rule for Request/Incidents/Problems.
For the Default Notification rule for updating of theticket, select:
Default Escalate Notification Rule for request/incident/problem
Default Field Update Notification Rule for request/incident/problem
Default Log Comment Notification Rule for request/incident/problem
Default Update Status Notification Rule for request/incident/problem.
d. Click OK. Notifications will be updated for a selected Webhook Endpoint when a new ticket is created.

Example Use Case Scenarios
After successful installation and configuration of CA SDM and Jira, you can try out the following use case to verify the integration:
1. Create an Issue in Jira <=> Create a Ticket in SDM
2. Status change in Jira <=> Change the status in SDM
3. Change summary & Description <=> Reflect in SDM
4. Change category ---- Reflect in SDM
5. Change priority --- Reflect in SDM.
6. Add a comment in Jira <=> reflect in SDM

1. Tickets in Jira are created by default.
2. Multiple categories are not supported in Jira to SDM. A category is selected based on alphabetical order.
3. Turn off automatic priority calculation in ServiceDesk Manager

Attachments get_app
T5UG484_1645086045727.caz get_app
SDM_JIRA_Integration_Documentation_1645086019602.pdf get_app get_app