Custom message on Spectrum OneClick WebApp Log In screen
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Custom message on Spectrum OneClick WebApp Log In screen


Article ID: 234882


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CA Spectrum DX NetOps


How to add compliance text to Spectrum OneClick WebApp login page?

How can we add a compliance message to the Spectrum OneClick WebApp login page?

In the OneClick Administration site, the OneClick Client  Configuration page allows a custom Log In message to be set. That page states the following.

This page allows you to configure settings associated with the OneClick client. These settings are used by the JNLP files which are located in the directory at: $SPECROOT/tomcat/webapps/spectrum

Setting that provides a custom Log In message in the OneClick java client log in screen. It doesn't not add the message to the OneClick WebApp Log In screen.

How can we set a custom Log In message for the OneClick WebApp?


All supported DX NetOps Spectrum releases


Follow these steps to add a custom Log In screen message to the OneClick WebApp.

  • Before starting create a backup of the $SPECROOT/tomcat/webapps/spectrum/login.jsp file for safekeeping.
    • Name the copy login.jsp.default or something similar.
  • Open the $SPECROOT/tomcat/webapps/spectrum/login.jsp file for editing.
    • Find the <span line (see below for default) and create a copy.
    • In the new <span line, above the existing one, add your custom message. See the sample below.
    • Save the changes to the file.
  • Restart the tomcat web server service to read in the new login.jsp file changes.
  • In a new browser tab launch the WebApp to bring up the log in page and review the changes.

Default <span section from a sample 23.3.2 lab.

<span style="padding: 0 10 0 0;">DX NetOps Spectrum</span>

Edited second <span section with a sample custom message.

<span style="padding: 0 10 0 0;">Access to this system is provided for authorized users and for approved business purposes only. Anyone accessing this computer system without authority or beyond their authority will be subject to legal or corporate disciplinary actions. Use of this system shall be for approved business purposes only. All data created by or residing on this system whether confidential, proprietary or otherwise is the property of the system owner. All activities on this system may be monitored to ensure compliance with Business policies, investigate possible misuse, perform system maintenance, scan for viruses and other malware, investigate performance and/or misconduct issues, or for other technical, legal or business reasons in accordance with the Code of Conduct for Business System Users. By logging on to the system, you consent to the collection, use and disclosure of personal information for these purposes. </span>
<span style="padding: 0 10 0 0;">DX NetOps Spectrum </span>

 It would look like this on the CLI:


The resulting log in would look like this: