Fast Unload reporting PFU0222I CORRUPT ROW ENCOUNTERED message unloading from image copy.
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Fast Unload reporting PFU0222I CORRUPT ROW ENCOUNTERED message unloading from image copy.


Article ID: 234824


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Fast Unload for DB2 for z/OS


Fast Unload for Db2 for z/OS (PFU) execution unloading from an image copy where the 
original tablespace was dropped.

Provided the INDDL file with the original table structure to unload data but encountering
the following message:

DDLDDN INDDL            
SELECT * FROM creator.tablename OBID nn;

PFU0222I - CORRUPT ROW ENCOUNTERED AT                        
         - PAGE: X'000000nn' ROW: X'0n' OBID: X'00nn'   


Validate that the table DDL input to PFU is correct in all aspects as to the column type, column length, and column attributes.
The problem was discovered that the DDL as input to the PFU execution did not specify the NOT NULL clause for a column.