CMG999 message XXXXXXX not found in 'ISPMLIB' library.
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CMG999 message XXXXXXX not found in 'ISPMLIB' library.


Article ID: 234818


Updated On: 02-17-2022




“Message not found in ‘ISPMLIB’ library” may happen running Endevor, QuickEdit, PDM (Parallel Development Manager) as well as any other product or home-grown application that runs in the form of an ISPF dialog.

The message (see example below) is shown in a form of an error panel which terminates the dialog.

*CMG999                                                                         *
*                                                                                       *
* Message PKMR356I                                                     *
* PKMR356I message not found in 'ISPMLIB' library. *
*                                                                                       * 


The cause of this error is that application being executed requested ISPF to issue a message, but ISPF could not find the description of the message.


There are multiple reasons why the message could not be found, so it is necessary to run the following tests, and answer the 3 questions below in order to determine the real cause.

For this example, message PKMR356I is missing.

- Please logon to Endevor (The following tests must be done within Endevor dialog)
- Once inside Endevor, issue the command: TSO ISRDDN
- Issue MEMBER MemberName - The missing message (PKMR356I 'Shipment Job Submitted') resides on PKMR35 member, so in this example, issue the command: MEMBER PKMR35
- Once it finishes searching, it will be shown whether the member PKMR35 was found or not.

1) Was member PKMR35 found?

If found:
type B (for browse) next to the dataset where it was found, and check if message PKMR356I is inside of it.

If not found, then a verification must be done of why the member is not present. Was the dataset edited? Is the current version being used? Check the scenario and fix it.

2) Was message PKMR356I found?
If found,
then the content of the dataset is correct.
PKMR356I 'Shipment Job Submitted'               .ALARM=YES
'The shipment job was submitted'                                

If not found, then a verification must be done of why the message is not present. Was the dataset edited? Is the current version being used? Check the scenario and fix it.

Once the questions above have been answered, ISPLIBD command (which identifies the libraries allocated via LIBDEF service to ISPxLIB ddnames) should be issued by doing the following:

- Still inside Endevor, issue the following command: ISPLIBD    

3) Regarding the dataset name besides ISPMLIB, is it the same dataset name, where PKMR35 was found previously in the question 1 above?
If the same,
Endevor and ISPF setup is done correctly, and a deeper investigation must take place. It might indicate an ISPF issue could be occurring.
If not same, it must be fixed, as in order to be able to display a message, ISPF needs to be able to find its description in ISPMLIB.

Additional Information

Regarding ISPMLIB, note that:
- ISPMLIB DD is normally allocated via ISPEXEC SELECT service in the CLIST or REXX that starts Endevor.
- It could also be allocated in ISPMLIB DD by the TSO logon procedure or even dynamically allocated by a TSO ALLOCATE command executed before starting ISPF.

Find additional information about ISRDDN and ISPLIBD in the following links:
ISRDDN diagnostic utility