Stop Errors in Introscope.log for [ERROR] [IntroscopeAgent.ArfTransport] Cannot create server socket on port - when running multiple agents
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Stop Errors in Introscope.log for [ERROR] [IntroscopeAgent.ArfTransport] Cannot create server socket on port - when running multiple agents


Article ID: 234812


Updated On:


DX Application Performance Management DX APM SaaS


Is there a way to stop the following errors coming out at agent start up - when another agent is already running for a separate product i.e. Start MQ agent, Start IIB agent - errors appear in the IIB IntroscopeAgent.log

2/01/22 12:40:03 PM GMT [ERROR] [IntroscopeAgent.ArfTransport] Cannot create server socket on port 5005: Address already in use (Bind failed)

2/01/22 12:40:03 PM GMT [ERROR] [IntroscopeAgent.CollectorAgent] CollectorAgent failed to start because: ARF Server Initialization failed.


Release : 20.2

Component : Introscope


You could prevent the problem by defining a unique port address for each agent in this property
There is no way to disable the collector agent  this but as a workaround you could suppress those massages by setting the following properties
log4j.logger.IntroscopeAgent.ArfTransport=FATAL, console, logfile
log4j.logger.IntroscopeAgent.CollectorAgent=FATAL, console, logfile
This will mean only messages at level FATAL or higher will report for those components.