There is a problem with reporting server, the service does not start. We have tried to restart service and server several time and it is impossible to log in Jasper console.
Tomcat logs:
15-Feb-2022 13:48:01.409 SEVERE [main] org.apache.catalina.core.StandardServer.await Failed to create server shutdown socket on address [localhost] and port [8005] (base port [8005] and offset [0]) Address already in use: NET_Bind
The bind error in the log indicates possible port conflict where another application that is consuming the tomcat ports (startup/shutdown)
Consult the OS admin to run OS commands like lsof -i:8080 or netstat -ano to identify applications using the port
For Windows:
Once identified - pick either of the below options:
Example: For a customer it was found that a newly deployed SMS Agent Host service was running on the tomcat port 8005 and conflicting with tomcat service used by Jaspersoft. Stopping it resolved the issue.