Applied maintenance to SYSVIEW and now running SYSVIEW Release 16.0.02 Build 0990.
Some of the PTF's had holddata to run conversion job GSVUCSEC of the security file. I did that and output seemed to be fine converting our defined groups.
Converted group GLOBAL
Converted group DEFAULT, new commands will be failed
Converted group ADMIN, new commands will be allowed
Converted group TECH, new commands will be allowed
Converted group PERSONEL, new commands will be allowed
Converted group OAS, new commands will be allowed
Converted group OPERATOR, new commands will be allowed
However, when i started SYSVIEW after shutting down started task, i am not seeing our groups.
Cmd Group Count Upd-Date Upd-Time Userid Description
GLOBAL 0 02/04/22 13:12:40 SYSV160 Global Definitions
DEFAULT 0 02/15/22 09:31:20 SPLC1 Default User Group
ADMIN 0 02/15/22 09:23:11 SPLC1 Administrators
AddGroup Add a new group
*********************************************************** End o
attaching output of conversion job as SPLC1JOB.txt
Release : 16.0
Component :
To fix it you can run the **.CNM4BSAM(GSVUSECC) job.
Set the SYSUT1 DD to a previous copy of a working CNM4BSEC dataset that had the groups in it. If a working copy does not exist for the release, which in this case is 16.0 CNM4BSEC, the previous release dataset can be used as input instead. Ensure that the job points to the correct STEPLIB, CNM4SCFG file, SUBSYSTEM parm, etc