SES installation failed with Error code: 0x800702E4
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SES installation failed with Error code: 0x800702E4


Article ID: 234759


Updated On:


Endpoint Security


While installing Symantec Endpoint Security (SES), you encounter the following error: "Cannot start the installation of Protection Features.  Error code: 0x800702E4"


2022-02-04-22-24-52-725 : 0x157C : Information : FSDTools::isProcessInInteractiveSession(143) : FSD executed under session with desktop.
2022-02-04-22-24-52-725 : 0x157C : Information : FSD in interactive session, use PROCESS_LAUNCH_TYPE::CurrentUser
2022-02-04-22-24-52-725 : 0x157C : Information : Start process:  C:\Users\Public\Downloads\Symantec\{SA1437388-1Q22S1}_x64\Symantec_Agent_Package\SAV.dat /FSD "C:\Users\Public\Downloads\Symantec\{SA1437388-1Q22S1}_x64\Symantec_Agent_Package\Symantec_Agent_Setup.dat" /v"/qb"
2022-02-04-22-24-52-725 : 0x157C : Information : Start in caller session and under caller rights
2022-02-04-22-24-53-583 : 0x157C : Error : Unable start process (740)
2022-02-04-22-24-53-583 : 0x157C : Error : Process execution failed 740.
2022-02-04-22-24-53-585 : 0x157C : Information : DING::CFilePackerEx::CArchiveInfo::Deserialize_legacy(631) : Segment header FSDManifest.js Deserialized
2022-02-04-22-24-53-586 : 0x157C : Information : 64-bit package selected to install
2022-02-04-22-24-55-026 : 0x157C : Error : Unable to run SEP installer. 0x800702E4
2022-02-04-22-24-55-026 : 0x157C : Information : Add intermediate error: sep, 0, -2147024156
2022-02-04-22-24-55-026 : 0x157C : Error : fsd::plugin::SEPInstaller::executeSepInstaller(347) : Unable to execute SEP installer, hr=0x800702E4
2022-02-04-22-24-55-026 : 0x157C : Error : Unhandled error, SEP installer 0x800702E4, CCD installer 0x00000000
2022-02-04-22-24-55-027 : 0x157C : Information : fsd::plugin::FSDPluginImpl::setStatus(244) : Set plugin status -1


The SES Package was unable to execute the installer due to insufficient rights to perform the installation. 


SES install needs System Administrator rights.

Permission Criteria:

  • The installation of Symantec Endpoint Protection Agent requires use of an account with elevated user rights.  
  • If you are installing in an Active Directory domain, the account used to deploy client software must also be a Domain Administrator.
  • The Domain Administrator must also be a member of the Administrators group on each computer.
  • Membership in restrictive groups, especially those with Explicit denies, may supersede permissions of other groups; even that of Administrator accounts.
  • Verify that no restrictions on the Local Administrator or Domain Administrator accounts have been made.