Export to excel data only hits timer limit and fails export with error message in export file
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Export to excel data only hits timer limit and fails export with error message in export file


Article ID: 234713


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Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


Export to Excel is slow on an object list view, hitting E2E_TIMER (Export to excel timer) limit and export does not happen


  1. In Classic PPM > Go to My Object list (happens also on Project list and other list pages)
  2. In the list view. filter for some criteria
  3. Get an output of about 5-6k rows and 10 columns
  4. Export to Excel (Data Only)

Expected Results: To have it exported with no issue

Actual Results: Error in Excel returns in about 1-2 min with this message in the Excel file:

The system has determined that this export to Excel will take XX.XX minutes to complete 


Clarity 15.9.3, 16.0


This is being analysed as DE64076


This is fixed in 16.0.2


  • Build a query-based portlet instead of using the object-based list views as it is much faster doing the export.
  • Please ensure AVP settings are set at optimal level and does not affect the performance of the export to excel functionality. KB reference:Poor Performance on Exporting data into Excel due to AVP Settings
  • Reduce the number of columns in the list view, avoid necessary rows, calculated attributes and keep only the required ones. Keep in mind the export to excel is not a substitute for Data Extraction, if larger volume of data extract is needed then make Jasperpersoft reports for the same.