Error “do not run executable directly. Use migrateEnforce.bat instead”
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Error “do not run executable directly. Use migrateEnforce.bat instead”


Article ID: 234583


Updated On:


Data Loss Prevention


While running the Phase1 migrateEnforce.bat file, the process is failing with the following error. 

Error: do not run executable directly. Use migrateEnforce.bat instead.



Release : 15.8+



This is caused by passing the backslash "\" character at the end of the java path when the migration utility is asking for the Java path.  

For example the following is passed when running the migration utility when you see the error:

C:\Program Files\AdoptOpenJRE\jdk8u262-b10-jre\

To address this please run the migration again but this time pass it the following:

C:\Program Files\AdoptOpenJRE\jdk8u262-b10-jre

Please note its missing the backslash "\" character at the end of the path.  Also your java path may vary but key is the backslash "\" character at the end.