What is the proper naming convention for CA7 calendar files sent to AAI?
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What is the proper naming convention for CA7 calendar files sent to AAI?


Article ID: 234486


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Automation Analytics & Intelligence


What is the proper naming convention for CA7 calendar files sent to AAI?


Release : 6.4.1-1



The proper naming convention for CA7 SCAL files, should either be with a two digit suffix with the current year, or just SCAL.


Using a digit suffix that does not match the current year will prevent calendars and calendar conditions from being updated in the AAI database.


If you were missing some or all of the calendars, you may have jobs that do not have the proper conditions in place, and they may become a candidate for Custom Start Times.


It is best when possible to have the actual conditions for a job, especially with CA7 jobs that have multiple SCHID's.


Below are the steps to remove unwanted Custom Start Times, once the SCAL file's name is corrected:


1. Verify the following in Config -> Params
  cstc.recommendationDaysOfWeek includes current day
2. Turn OFF all auto adjust for CA7
  Launch Custom Condition Admin
  Select CA7 scheduler
  Select 'Deselect All' for Auto adjust in the Candidates without Custom Start Time Conditions table and then Save
  Select 'Deselect All' for Auto adjust in the Jobs with Custom Start Times table and then Save

3. Rename the "SCALXX" file on the AAI server to "SCAL"
   (This will need to be changed on the CA7 side as well so the next file that is sent to AAI is also named "SCAL")

4. Do a "Download Now" for the CA7 scheduler

5. Manually run the Statistics Generator
  Launch the thick client
  Tools -> Recalculate Averages
  This will take some time to complete.
6. Turn ON all auto adjust for CA7
  Launch Custom Condition Admin
  Select CA7 scheduler
  Select 'Select All' for Auto adjust in the Candidates without Custom Start Time Conditions table and then Save
  Select 'Select All' for Auto adjust in the Jobs with Custom Start Times table and then Save

7. Take CA7 offline

8. Put CA7 online