Doc Required for OPS0189S Main task time out with a SA03 abend on IPL
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Doc Required for OPS0189S Main task time out with a SA03 abend on IPL


Article ID: 234468


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OPS/MVS Event Management & Automation


I received the below error yesterday when starting opsmvs after an IPL

OPS0189S Main task timed out while waiting to be posted by the shared

file I/O subtask                                                    

OPSMVS ended with SA03 abend

OPS5002I SHFI subtask is active      

OPS0189S Main task timed out while waiting to be posted by the shared

file I/O subtask                                                    

OPS5006O BCPX subtask terminating   

OPS5006O TSOP subtask terminating   

OPS5006O TSOL subtask terminating   

What documentation is required to troubleshoot this?  




If an applicable fix cannot be found, open a support case to investigate and include the following documentation:

1.  Archived and tersed copy of the OPSLOG for the time in question, if available.

2.  MVS SYSLOG from IPL, or and hour before, whichever is latest, through the time of errors/abends. 

3.  A copy of the dump, if one is produced.