Has the log rotation job on Vertica 10 been updated to use python 3?
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Has the log rotation job on Vertica 10 been updated to use python 3?


Article ID: 234456


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CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration


We upgraded from a release prior to 21.2.3 (Vertica is upgraded to 10.1.1-0 in 21.2.3 and later)

We could see that our logrotate command was as below in the previous release:

/opt/vertica/oss/python/bin/python -m vertica.do_logrotate &> /dev/null

However, in the new release, we do not see the folder "bin" in /opt/vertica/oss/python/bin rather we have only /opt/vertica/oss/python3/bin/


Release : 21.2.3 or later

Component : PM Data Storage


The command was updated in Vertica 10.1.1 to use python 3.

In the crontab of the DR admin user, you should see the command has been updated to :

# Vertica administrator cron
# Minute    Hour     Day    Month    Day of Week            Command
   5         3        *       *         *                    /opt/vertica/oss/python3/bin/python3 -m vertica.do_logrotate &> /dev/null

To verify on your system, run the follwing as the Data Repository admin user:

crontab -l