Modern UX - Hierarchy Timeline view does not show investments if 'Type' column is not selected
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Modern UX - Hierarchy Timeline view does not show investments if 'Type' column is not selected


Article ID: 234454


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


An issue has been observed with the Hierarchy Timeline view. Steps to reproduce it are as below.

  1. Open an existing Hierarchy with investment in the Modern UX
  2. Go to 'Timeline View' and see that investments are listed
  3. Remove the column 'Type' from being shown
  4. Column 'Type' is removed from the Grid, but all other remains the same
  5. Navigate to a 'Properties' or another module within the Hierarchy and back to 'Investments' and 'Timeline View'.

Expected Results: Investments are still displayed in the Timeline view.

Actual Results: Investments are not displayed in the Timeline view as long as the 'Type' column is not selected.


Version: 16.0.1


Due to a defect with ID DE64045.


The defect is fixed in the following version(s):

  • 16.0.2