Open Panvalet libraries in read-only mode to reduce contention
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Open Panvalet libraries in read-only mode to reduce contention


Article ID: 234448


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When running Panvalet reports like a PAN#2 utility job to produce a library status report, the utility takes exclusive control of the library which is problematic as the library is heavily shared by many users.

Is there any solution for that?


Release : 14.6

Component : Panvalet


All the PAN#x utilities (not only PAN#2) accept specification of OPEN=INP option in the JCL PARM=. This option instructs the utility to open the library for read-only processing and skip any serialization on it.

This option will only be accepted by commands that do not require to update the library. Commands that really need update access will fail with an error message if OPEN=INP option is set. 

If your JCL already specifies a PARM= field, remember that OPEN=INP needs to be coded AFTER the positional parameters that define the ddname overrides (if any) but BEFORE the LINECNT= parameter (if specified). For example:


Read only access to Panvalet libraries as well as the commands that accept OPEN=INP is documented in the online Panvalet manual, in section  "Panvalet Program Execution"