Unable to login to IDM portal on Redhat 8.0 server
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Unable to login to IDM portal on Redhat 8.0 server


Article ID: 234357


Updated On:


CA Identity Manager


Seeing the following error that result IDM not able Login user console

11:35:01,590 ERROR [ims.llsdk.directory.jndi] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 85) hostnameofuserdirectory:50389
11:37:12,661 ERROR [ims.llsdk.directory.jndi] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 85) Failed to connect to LDAP directory hostnameofuserdirectory:50389 Reason: Connection timed out (Connection timed out)
11:37:12,676 WARN  [ims.tmt.EnvironmentService] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 85) * Failed to start environment: idmenvironment
11:37:12,676 INFO  [ims.Main] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 85) ** FIPS mode enabled : true
11:37:12,697 INFO  [ims.Main] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 85) * Startup Step 30 : Attempting to start ApplicationContextInitializer plug-ins
14:05:59,508 ERROR [ims.ui] (http-/ Page cannot be found.  Please check the URL. (/iam/im/idmenvironment/)
14:11:01,114 ERROR [ims.ui] (http-/ Page cannot be found.  Please check the URL. (/iam/im/idmenvironment/)


This is due to port  50389 being blocked by a firewall.


Change Firewall rule under RedHat to allow port 50389 traffic.