LDAP Operation in progress even if no LDAP domains are configured in CA PAM
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LDAP Operation in progress even if no LDAP domains are configured in CA PAM


Article ID: 234332


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CA Privileged Access Manager (PAM)


Logging in to CA PAM, dashboard often shows the following message

"LDAP Operation in progress"

even though there is no integration between CAPAM with AD or any such LDAP.


CA PAM 3.4.X and below


In versions prior to 4.0, daemom ad_upd, which takes care of updating LDAP configuration will run and it will try to launch the ldap import jar file (ldapimporter.jar), which will obviously exit immediately as there are no LDAP domains configured which can be synchronized. If one connects just after such ldapimporter process is launched, it is possible to see that message in the Dashboard.


Message can be safely ignored