Unable to delete old job container. Container stuck in terminating status. Is there a way to delete using SQL query.
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Unable to delete old job container. Container stuck in terminating status. Is there a way to delete using SQL query.


Article ID: 234274


Updated On:


CA Client Automation - IT Client Manager


Unable to delete old job container. Container stuck in terminating status. Is there a way to delete using SQL query. 


Release : 1403

Component :


check if  job container delete is in terminating status. 
If yes , Try below SQL query on mdb 
Take full backup of DB . 

Caf stop. 

Open SQL Query Analyzer and execute below query. 

declare @var_objectid varchar(50)
declare job_delete cursor for

select objectid from usd_job_cont where state=8 and objectid in (select jobcont from usd_jcview) and objectid in (select jcchild from usd_link_jc) and objectid in (select jcont from usd_link_jc_act)

open job_delete
fetch job_delete into @var_objectid
while (@@fetch_status=0)
  delete usd_jcview where jobcont=@var_objectid
  delete usd_link_jc where jcchild=@var_objectid
  delete usd_link_jc_act where jcont=@var_objectid
  delete usd_cc where objectid=@var_objectid
  delete usd_job_cont where objectid=@var_objectid
fetch job_delete into @var_objectid

close job_delete
deallocate job_delete

Caf Start 
Check if you still have that container.