Is there a way to query the database and find what services are using the 'aaa OTK User Authentication Extension' policy?
The following query showed no results:
mysql ssg
mysql> SELECT name as policy_name from policy where xml like "%aaa OTK User Authentication Extension%";
Empty set (0.14 sec)
API Gateway: 10.X
In this particular example, look for the OTK User Authentication policy. The OTK User Authentication Extension is a customization policy that targets the OTK User Authentication policy. The Extension policy sets a series of context variables that get exported to the target policy.
Do one of the following:
select name as policy_name from policy where xml like "%OTK User Authentication%";
select name from policy where xml like "%OTK User Authentication%" and name like "%Policy for%" and name not like "%oauth%";
The second query excludes the default OTK policies and only brings back policies associated with services.