Automic - How to take over ownership of tasks from old/inactive users
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Automic - How to take over ownership of tasks from old/inactive users


Article ID: 234202


Updated On:


CA Automic Workload Automation - Automation Engine


  • We have members who have left the organization and would like to update the ownership of the tasks which were started by them without having to stop/restart the tasks.
  • We are unable to delete old users as we get the error  "User 'xxxx/xxxx' cannot be deleted because of active tasks"



Release : 12.x




The user who starts a task is deemed the owner of that execution and that user needs to be active and have the right permissions to ensure the executions are not interrupted.

Especially if the user is owning the execution of the Job schedule – which there by triggers all the defined executions within that object on a fixed turnaround time.

In a case where the user is leaving the organization – You will have to take over all the tasks which are owned by the user from the process-monitoring perspective before you inactivate/delete the user from the client.

You can do this by first filtering for all the task executions owned by the user

Go to process monitoring perspective

Click on Filter  à

Add Filter Criteria à User Object à Task Type (All) à Status (All) à User Object – Select the user from whom you would want to take over tasks and hit Filter.

Select all à Right click à Modify à Take Over Task ( as shown below).

Note: This option is not available either in client 0 or for tasks of type JOBD (remote jobs).

Additional Information

Taking over ownership