Cannot find program OP411000 in SYSEXEC
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Cannot find program OP411000 in SYSEXEC


Article ID: 234156


Updated On:


OPS/MVS Event Management & Automation


Getting an error trying to access some OPS panels:

Cannot find program OP411000 in SYSEXEC



Release : 13.5 14.0

Component :


The OPS REXX library CCLXEXEC was not in the SYSEXEC concatenation of the TSO userid. The full list of libraries that need to be available for users access the OPS panels can be found in the link below:

There is another option regarding the SYSEXEC DD according to the documentation:

The SYSEXEC ddname is searched to invoke REXX programs implicitly. You may want to concatenate installation or user REXX libraries to this ddname. If you have set the REXXDDNAME product parameter to a value other than SYSEXEC, use that value instead of SYSEXEC.

So, if set this REXXDDNAME parameter you can allocate the CCLXEXEC in the DDNAME pointed by this parameter.