Deliver - Report history shows blanks or zeros for Lines and Pages
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Deliver - Report history shows blanks or zeros for Lines and Pages


Article ID: 234140


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A report's Report History displays Lines and Pages having blanks or zeros.


Release : 14.0

Component : Deliver


Report history data can show zeros for LINES, PAGES, and DATE/TIME:

 . For reports where there is a field of OUT=N specified for a Distribution ID. 
 . If there is no Distribution ID specified for the report. 
 . When a STACK report does not have matching text, and if there is an UNDEF report defined in Deliver. 
 . Depending on the setting of RMOPARM HDETAIL=NO|YES (default is NO). 

It was found that the client:

 . Had reports defined with Distribution IDs with Out of N. 
 . Had no UNDEF report defined. 
 . Had RMOPARM setting of HDETAIL=NO. 

Testing results showed:

 . With Out of T, the Lines and Pages, in Report History, showed non-zero values. 

 . With Out of N, the Lines and Pages, in Report History, showed zeros. 

For those entries showing blank Lines and Pages, it was suggested that the client apply Deliver 14.0 PTF LU02962 to the environment.