Custom Filters not auto-updating
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Custom Filters not auto-updating


Article ID: 234065


Updated On:


IT Management Suite


We have noticed that many custom filters that are set to auto-update are not updating on a regular basis.


Release: 8.5


Custom filters will automatically update if there is an enabled policy in which the target includes that filter.

The Delta Resource Membership Update will not update custom filters because, depending on the number of custom filters, it could run for hours.

You can create a task that will update custom filters.

  1. In the Console go to Manage>Jobs and Tasks>Notification Server
  2. Right-click the Notification Server folder and choose "New>Task"
  3. Expand the Notification Server folder and click on Update Filter Membership.
  4. Give the Task a name (in orange below)
  5. Click on "None Selected" (in yellow below) and a pop-up will appear. Choose the filters you want to update with the task and use the arrows to move them to the right panel of the pop-up box. Click OK.