You created a filter as:
You navigated to Manage > Computers Left side view filters and selected the filter created. You created a filter with the Query Builder and used it as the Filter Expression field and the Expression "GetDate".
When you try to open the filter in the HTML5 view it shows the following error message:
"An error has occurred while loading the filter. Check server logs for details"
In the server logs, I found the following:
"Failed to resolve resource query from the xml configuration.
Invalid number (1) of operands for filter expression with operator '>'. "
"MainController failure.
Column '[].[]' is not found
[System.ApplicationException @ Symantec.ActivityCenter.Api]
at Symantec.ActivityCenter.Api.Models.Filter.SavedSearchToFilter.FindColumn(String dataTableName, String columnName, SavedSearch savedSearch)
at Symantec.ActivityCenter.Api.Models.Filter.SavedSearchToFilter.GetFilterCriteria()
at Symantec.ActivityCenter.Api.Models.Filter.SavedSearchToFilter.Convert()
at Symantec.ActivityCenter.Api.Models.Filter.FilterProvider.GetFilter(Guid id)
at Symantec.ActivityCenter.Api.Controllers.MainController.GetFilter(Guid id)
at lambda_method(Closure , Object , Object[] )"
Steps to reproduce.
ITMS 8.6 RU1
Known issue.
The issue is related to the structure of the item xml, which is created if we build a filter using the legacy UI. By ECV design, the dataField node is expected under the expression node (see for more details SavedSearchFilter class and SavedSearchFilterExpression class)
When we build a filter using the legacy UI, the dataField node can be under the filter node. This case is not supported by the ECV.
ECV (Enhanced Console Views) UI capabilities are very limited to be able to display all the possible variety of filter expressions that may be edited in the SMP Core UI.
This issue has been fixed under ITMS 8.6 RU3 release. With ITMS 8.6 RU3, we throw "IncompatibleFilterException" in the ECV codebase whenever the backend code is unable to parse adequately the filter XML. In that case, ECV filter UI looks like this:
The "incompatible filter" link points to the SMP Core UI where the filter can be properly edited.
As a workaround, you can convert the filter to a "raw sql" filter.