PAMSC / OnePAM -- login integration is not working when one distribution (Utility) server is down
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PAMSC / OnePAM -- login integration is not working when one distribution (Utility) server is down


Article ID: 233992


Updated On:


CA Privileged Access Manager - Server Control (PAMSC)


We found that even though 2 distribution servers were define when one is down the login integration fails


Release : 3.x 4.x

Component :


There are several configuration options that limit the ability of the PUPM endpoint to failover to additional distribution servers


Using a simple method of removing one utility server (or distribution server) at a time and flip-flopping between the 2 utility servers defined I can confirm that when the PUPM agent is configured appropriately  It can go back and forth between the defined ActiveMQ servers. Using the configuration settings below in the /etc/accomon.ini will allow for failover


04-Feb-2022 18:01:41: [ACMQ INFORMATION]: ACMQ_Init [448]: Connecting to Server URL = failover:(ssl://,ssl://

04-Feb-2022 18:01:41: [ACMQ INFORMATION]: ACMQ_Init [579]: Successfully connected to the Distribution Server ssl://,ssl:// with user = +reportagent

04-Feb-2022 18:01:41: [ACMQ INFORMATION]: ACMQ_Init [448]: Connecting to Server URL = failover:(ssl://,ssl://

04-Feb-2022 18:01:41: StartServerCommunicationQueue> OK, QueueName = 'ac_server_to_endpoint', Filter = 'AC_DESTINATION_COMPONENT='PUPM' AND (DESTINATION_ACID='e4d63eb0-1580-0001-b217-515fca000000' OR (DESTINATION_ACID='PAM_ENDP_INTEGR' AND (DESTINATION_HOST='xxxxxx' OR DESTINATION_HOST='XXXXXX' OR DESTINATION_HOST='xxxxxx.bpc' OR DESTINATION_HOST='XXXXXX.BPC' OR DESTINATION_HOST='')))'

04-Feb-2022 18:01:41: [ACMQ INFORMATION]: ACMQ_Init [579]: Successfully connected to the Distribution Server ssl://,ssl:// with user = +reportagent






; Defines the plugin Scheduling type

; Values: 0 - Execute once

;         1 - Execute on demand

;         2 - Execute every N seconds

;         3 - Execute by schedular string e.g. 00:00@Sun,Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri,Sat

; Default value = 1 (Execute on demand)

ScheduleType = 1


; Specifies whether to send registration message to server on Agent startup.

; Values: 0 - Pupm Agent will not send registration message to server.

;         1 - Pupm Agent will send registration message to server.

; Default value = 1

AutoRegister = 1






; Defines the URL of the Distribution Server (DS). Define multiple

; DSs using a comma-separated list of URLs.

; Example: ssl:// - for SSL connection

; Example: tcp:// - for non SSL connection

; Example: tcp://,tcp:// - for multiple DSs

; Default: "none"


Distribution_Server = ssl://,ssl://