Is there a report that shows the Status of packages for All Package Servers?
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Is there a report that shows the Status of packages for All Package Servers?


Article ID: 233954


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Client Management Suite IT Management Suite


Admins need to know what the status is for Packages across all of the Package Servers in one report.  Occasionally packages go missing, are new, or need to be re-downloaded.  The report below captures all of the different statuses, across All of our Package Servers.





A Report can be created from this SQL to show Package Status by Package Server:

  SELECT    vc.[Name] AS [Package Server],  
            count(pk.[Name]) AS [Package Count],  
            ps.Status AS [Status]  
    FROM    SWDPackageServer ps  
    JOIN    vComputer    vc  ON ps.PkgSvrId = vc.Guid  
    JOIN    vRM_Package_Item pk ON pk.Guid = ps.PackageId  
    WHERE   pk.ProductUninstalled = 0  
    GROUP BY  VC.NAME, ps.Status
    Order by [Package Server]

Here is a SQL Report that can show the Packages that are NOT READY:

  SELECT    vc.[Name] AS [Package Server],  
            ps.Status AS [Status]  , pk.Name, pk.Description, pk.ModifiedBy, pk.ModifiedDate, pk.Guid
    FROM    SWDPackageServer ps  
    JOIN    vComputer    vc  ON ps.PkgSvrId = vc.Guid  
    JOIN    vRM_Package_Item pk ON pk.Guid = ps.PackageId  
    WHERE   pk.ProductUninstalled = 0  
    and Status != 'Ready'
    Order by Name, [Package Server]

If we have any questions about the Status of a Package, we can run the built-in Report:  All Reports > NS Management > Server > Package Status by Package Server. This report will show the Name of the Package and the Package Server it is on with that status.