The following error is logged in the Log_DataTransformation table during RiskFabric Processing::
Error Msg: Exit processing of ScenarioID = <id> The select list for the INSERT statement contains more items than the insert list. The number of SELECT values must match the number of INSERT columns.
Release : 6.5.4
Component : Event Scenarios
When creating an Event Scenario, the fields Domain and Domain List are only supported for DIM incidents; however, due to a defect in the UI, these values are presented to the user in the Detail Display Type drop-down when creating an event scenario pointing to a non-DIM saved search. If selected, additional rows are added to an INSERT statement with no corresponding columns in the destination table, resulting in a failure and the logging of this error.
To correct this error, identify the event scenario at fault by running the following query, replacing <id> with the ScenarioID from the error message (e.g., = 50034):
SELECT ScenarioName FROM EventScenario WHERE ScenarioID = <id>
Once you have identified the scenario name, open the Information Centric Analytics (ICA) portal and navigate to Admin > Event Scenarios. Edit the scenario in question and change the Detail Display Type value to any value other than Domain or Domain List.
A fix to the UI to filter these values from being selected will be included in the next release of ICA.