Setting Endevor Quick Edit Batch Action Mode
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Setting Endevor Quick Edit Batch Action Mode


Article ID: 233907


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Started testing Quick-Edit Batch Action mode - had AO Batch Action Mode set to

      Queue actions for Batch . Y (Y/N)
      Prompt after Edit . . . Y (Y/N)

Endevor Quick-Edit was happy to submit the batch job to generate a module. After testing changed the values to N expecting to be able generate in foreground.  Why is Endevor Quick Edit still trying to run a batch generate?  



Verify the ACTION OPTIONS that are set for Quick-Edit.  To verify these options do the following:

From the main Endevor Quick-edit Panel type AO on the command line.

The next panel display will be the action options that are currently in place.

Based on the options above GENERAT ACTION MODE is currently set to B – which mean that any generate will be done in BATCH.

Change the setting to F (for foreground) and any other settings that for actions that need to be done in foreground – hit enter and the settings will be saved.

For more information on the changing action options and Quick-edit review the links provided:

Using Endevor Quick-Edit Option 

Endevor Quick-Edit Action Options