Error when upgrading 14.3 Domain Manager to 14.5. Error Applying Transforms . Verify that the specified transform paths are valid.
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Error when upgrading 14.3 Domain Manager to 14.5. Error Applying Transforms . Verify that the specified transform paths are valid.


Article ID: 233877


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CA Client Automation - IT Client Manager


Error when upgrading  14.3 Domain Manager to 14.5. Error Applying Transforms . Verify that the specified transform paths are valid.


Release : 14.5

Component : BITCM


First Take the backup of DB, Take Snapshot of VM, Take Backup of Registry. 

1. Do a search on all local hard drives for the name of the transform file in this case 1033.mst 

2. Once the search completes and finds all locations where the transform exists rename the file to 1033.old

3. Run regedt32 and create a registry backup in case you need to reimport if a mistake is made 

For more details on this see Microsoft document

4.  browse to the following registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes\Installer

On the edit menu, click find

In the Find what box, type the name of the transform  <1033.mst> , and then click Find Next.

5. Delete the registry key that is associated with the transform, and then press F3 to repeat the search.

6. Repeat step 13 to locate and to delete all registry entries that are associated with the transform. 

7. Quit the Registry Editor

8. reboot and then rerun ITCM setup and proceed with upgrade